Signs and Symptoms: Weakness, fever, cough and pulmonary edema occur 18-24 hours
after inhalation exposure, followed by severe respiratory distress and death
from hypoxemia in 36-72 hours.
Diagnosis: Signs and symptoms noted above in large numbers of geographically
clustered patients could suggest an exposure to aerosolized ricin. The rapid
time course to severe symptoms and death would be unusual for infectious agents.
Laboratory findings are nonspecific but similar to other pulmonary irritants
which cause pulmonary edema. Specific serum ELISA is available. Acute and convalescent
sera should be collected.
Treatment: Management is supportive and should include treatment for pulmonary
edema. Gastric decontamination measures should be used if ingested.
Prophylaxis: There is currently no vaccine or prophylactic antitoxin available
for human use, although immunization appears promising in animal models. Use
of the protective mask is currently the best protection against inhalation.
Isolation and Decontamination: Standard Precautions for healthcare workers.
Secondary aerosols should generally not be a danger to health care providers.
Weak hypochlorite solutions (0.1% sodium hypochlorite) and/or soap and water
can decontaminate skin surfaces.
Ricin is a potent protein toxin derived from the beans of the castor plant (Ricinus
communis). Castor beans are ubiquitous worldwide, and the toxin is fairly easily
produced. Ricin is therefore a potentially widely available toxin. When inhaled
as a small particle aerosol, this toxin may produce pathologic changes within
8 hours and severe respiratory symptoms followed by acute hypoxic respiratory
failure in 36-72 hours. When ingested, ricin causes severe gastrointestinal
symptoms followed by vascular collapse and death. This toxin may also cause
disseminated intravascular coagulation, microcirculatory failure and multiple
organ failure if given intravenously in laboratory animals.
Ricins significance as a potential biological warfare toxin relates in
part to its wide availability. Worldwide, one million tons of castor beans are
processed annually in the production of castor oil; the waste mash from this
process is five percent ricin by weight. The toxin is also quite stable and
extremely toxic by several routes of exposure, including the respiratory route.
Ricin is said to have been used in the assassination of Bulgarian exile Georgi
Markov in London in 1978. Markov was attacked with a specially engineered weapon
disguised as an umbrella which implanted a ricin-containing pellet into his
Ricin is actually made up of two hemagglutinins and two toxins. The toxins,
RCL III and RCL IV, are dimers of about 66,000 daltons molecular weight. The
toxins are made up of two polypeptide chains, an A chain and a B chain, which
are joined by a disulfide bond. Ricin can be produced relatively easily and
inexpensively in large quantities in a fairly low technology setting. It is
of marginal toxicity in terms of its LED50 in comparison to toxins such as botulinum
and SEB (incapacitating dose), so an enemy would have to produce it in larger
quantities to cover a significant area on the battlefield. This might limit
large-scale use of ricin by an adversary. Ricin can be prepared in liquid or
crystalline form, or it can be lyophilized to make it a dry powder. It could
be disseminated by an enemy as an aerosol, or it could be used as a sabotage,
assassination, or terrorist weapon.
Ricin is very toxic to cells. It acts by inhibiting protein synthesis. The B
chain binds to cell surface receptors and the toxin-receptor complex is taken
into the cell; the A chain has endonuclease activity and extremely low concentrations
will inhibit protein synthesis. In rodents, the histopathology of aerosol exposure
is characterized by necrotizing airway lesions causing tracheitis, bronchitis,
bronchiolitis, and interstitial pneumonia with perivascular and alveolar edema.
There is a latent period of 8 hours post-inhalation exposure before histologic
lesions are observed in animal models. In rodents, ricin is more toxic by the
aerosol route than by other routes of exposure.
There is little toxicity data in humans. The exact cause of morbidity and mortality
would be dependent upon the route of exposure. Aerosol exposure in man would
be expected to cause acute lung injury, pulmonary edema secondary to increased
capillary permeability, and eventual acute hypoxic respiratory failure.
The clinical picture in intoxicated victims would depend on the route of exposure.
After aerosol exposure, signs and symptoms would depend on the dose inhaled.
Accidental sublethal aerosol exposures which occurred in humans in the 1940s
were characterized by onset of the following symptoms in four to eight hours:
fever, chest tightness, cough, dyspnea, nausea, and arthralgias. The onset of
profuse sweating some hours later was commonly the sign of termination of most
of the symptoms. Although lethal human aerosol exposures have not been described,
the severe pathophysiologic changes seen in the animal respiratory tract, including
necrosis and severe alveolar flooding, are probably sufficient to cause death
if enough toxin is inhaled. Time to death in experimental animals is dose dependent,
occurring 36-72 hours post inhalation exposure. Humans would be expected to
develop severe lung inflammation with progressive cough, dyspnea, cyanosis and
pulmonary edema.
By other routes of exposure, ricin is not a direct lung irritant; however, intravascular
injection can cause minimal pulmonary perivascular edema due to vascular endothelial
injury. Ingestion causes gastrointestinal hemorrhage with hepatic, splenic,
and renal necrosis. Intramuscular administration causes severe local necrosis
of muscle and regional lymph nodes with moderate visceral organ involvement.
An attack with aerosolized ricin would be, as with many biological warfare agents,
primarily diagnosed by the clinical and epidemiological setting. Acute lung
injury affecting a large number of cases in a war zone (where a BW attack could
occur) should raise suspicion of an attack with a pulmonary irritant such as
ricin, although other pulmonary pathogens could present with similar signs and
symptoms. Other biological threats, such as SEB, Q fever, tularemia, plague,
and some chemical warfare agents like phosgene, need to be included in a differential
diagnosis. Ricin intoxication would be expected to progress despite treatment
with antibiotics, as opposed to an infectious process. There would be no mediastinitis
as seen with inhalation anthrax. SEB would be different in that most patients
would not progress to a life-threatening syndrome but would tend to plateau
clinically. Phosgene-induced acute lung injury would progress much faster than
that caused by ricin.
Additional supportive clinical or diagnostic features after aerosol exposure
to ricin may include the following: bilateral infiltrates on chest radiographs,
arterial hypoxemia, neutrophilic leukocytosis, and a bronchial aspirate rich
in protein compared to plasma which is characteristic of high permeability pulmonary
edema. Specific ELISA testing on serum or immunohistochemical techniques for
direct tissue analysis may be used where available to confirm the diagnosis.
Ricin is an extremely immunogenic toxin, and acute as well as convalescent sera
should be obtained from survivors for measurement of antibody response.
Management of ricin-intoxicated patients again depends on the route of exposure.
Patients with pulmonary intoxication are managed by appropriate treatment for
pulmonary edema and respiratory support as indicated. Gastrointestinal intoxication
is best managed by vigorous gastric decontamination with superactivated charcoal,
followed by use of cathartics such as magnesium citrate. Volume replacement
of GI fluid losses is important. In percutaneous exposures, treatment would
be primarily supportive.
The protective mask is effective in preventing aerosol exposure. Although a
vaccine is not currently available, candidate vaccines are under development
which are immunogenic and confer protection against lethal aerosol exposures
in animals. Prophylaxis with such a vaccine is the most promising defense against
a biological warfare attack with ricin.
Updated February 04, 2002 Copyright ©: MMI - MMII Alaska Chris