Signs and Symptoms: From 3-12 hours after aerosol exposure, sudden onset of
fever, chills, headache, myalgia, and nonproductive cough. Some patients may
develop shortness of breath and retrosternal chest pain. Fever may last 2 to
5 days, and cough may persist for up to 4 weeks. Patients may also present with
nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea if they swallow toxin. Presumably, higher exposure
can lead to septic shock and death.
Diagnosis: Diagnosis is clinical. Patients present with a febrile respiratory
syndrome without CXR abnormalities. Large numbers of soldiers presenting with
typical symptoms and signs of SEB pulmonary exposure would suggest an intentional
attack with this toxin.
Treatment: Treatment is limited to supportive care. Artificial ventilation might
be needed for very severe cases, and attention to fluid management is important.
Prophylaxis: Use of protective mask. There is currently no human vaccine available
to prevent SEB intoxication.
Isolation and Decontamination: Standard Precautions for healthcare workers.
Hypochlorite (0.5% for 10-15 minutes) and/or soap and water. Destroy any food
that may have been contaminated.
Staphylococcus aureus produces a number of exotoxins, one of which is Staphylococcal
enterotoxin B, or SEB. Such toxins are referred to as exotoxins since they are
excreted from the organism; however, they normally exert their effects on the
intestines and thereby are called enterotoxins. SEB is one of the pyrogenic
toxins that commonly causes food poisoning in humans after the toxin is produced
in improperly handled foodstuffs and subsequently ingested. SEB has a very broad
spectrum of biological activity. This toxin causes a markedly different clinical
syndrome when inhaled than it characteristically produces when ingested. Significant
morbidity is produced in individuals who are exposed to SEB by either portal
of entry to the body.
SEB has caused countless endemic cases of food poisoning. Often these cases
have been clustered, due to common source exposure in a setting such as a church
picnic or other community event in which contaminated food is consumed. Although
this toxin would not be likely to produce significant mortality on the battlefield,
it could render up to 80 percent or more of exposed personnel clinically ill
and unable to perform their mission for 1-2 weeks. Therefore, even though SEB
is not generally thought of as a lethal agent, it may severely incapacitate
soldiers, making it an extremely important toxin to consider.
Staphylococcal enterotoxins are extracellular products produced by coagulase-positive
staphylococci. They are produced in culture media and also in foods when there
is overgrowth of the staph organisms. At least five antigenically distinct enterotoxins
have been identified, SEB being one of them. These toxins are heat stable. SEB
causes symptoms when inhaled at very low doses in humans: a dose of several
logs lower than the lethal dose by the inhaled route would be sufficient to
incapacitate 50 percent of those soldiers so exposed. This toxin could also
be used (theoretically) in a special forces or terrorist mode to sabotage food
or small volume water supplies.
Staphylococcal enterotoxins produce a variety of toxic effects. Inhalation of
SEB can induce extensive pathophysiological changes to include widespread systemic
damage and even septic shock. Many of the effects of staphylococcal enterotoxins
are mediated by interactions with the hosts own immune system. The mechanisms
of toxicity are complex, but are related to toxin binding directly to the major
histocompatibility complex that subsequently stimulates the proliferation of
large numbers of T cell lymphocytes. Because these exotoxins are extremely potent
activators of T cells, they are commonly referred to as bacterial superantigens.
These superantigens stimulate the production and secretion of various cytokines,
such as tumor necrosis factor, interferon, interleukin-1 and interleukin-2,
from immune system cells. Released cytokines are thought to mediate many of
the toxic effects of SEB.
Relevant battlefield exposures to SEB are projected to cause primarily clinical
illness and incapacitation. However, higher exposure levels can presumably lead
to septic shock and death. Intoxication with SEB begins 3 to 12 hours after
inhalation of the toxin. Victims may experience the sudden onset of fever, headache,
chills, myalgias, and a nonproductive cough. More severe cases may develop dyspnea
and retrosternal chest pain. Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea will also occur
in many patients due to inadvertently swallowed toxin, and fluid losses can
be marked. The fever may last up to five days and range from 103 to 106 degrees
F, with variable degrees of chills and prostration. The cough may persist up
to four weeks, and patients may not be able to return to duty for two weeks.
Physical examination in patients with SEB intoxication is often unremarkable.
Conjunctival injection may be present, and postural hypotension may develop
due to fluid losses. Chest examination is unremarkable except in the unusual
case where pulmonary edema develops. The chest X-ray is also generally normal,
but in severe cases increased interstitial markings, atelectasis, and possibly
overt pulmonary edema or an ARDS picture may develop.
As is the case with botulinum toxins, intoxication due to SEB inhalation is
a clinical and epidemiologic diagnosis. Because the symptoms of SEB intoxication
may be similar to several respiratory pathogens such as influenza, adenovirus,
and mycoplasma, the diagnosis may initially be unclear. All of these might present
with fever, nonproductive cough, myalgia, and headache. SEB attack would cause
cases to present in large numbers over a very short period of time, probably
within a single 24 hour period. Naturally occurring pneumonias or influenza
would involve patients presenting over a more prolonged interval of time. Naturally
occurring staphylococcal food poisoning cases would not present with pulmonary
symptoms. SEB intoxication tends to progress rapidly to a fairly stable clinical
state, whereas pulmonary anthrax, tularemia pneumonia, or pneumonic plague would
all progress if left untreated. Tularemia and plague, as well as Q fever, would
be associated with infiltrates on chest radiographs. Nerve agent intoxication
would cause fasciculations and copious secretions, and mustard would cause skin
lesions in addition to pulmonary findings; SEB inhalation would not be characterized
by these findings. The dyspnea associated with botulinum intoxication is associated
with obvious signs of muscular paralysis, bulbar palsies, lack of fever, and
a dry pulmonary tree due to cholinergic blockade; respiratory difficulties occur
late rather than early as with SEB inhalation.
Laboratory findings are not very helpful in the diagnosis of SEB intoxication.
A nonspecific neutrophilic leukocytosis and an elevated erythrocyte sedimentation
rate may be seen, but these abnormalities are present in many illnesses. Toxin
is very difficult to detect in the serum by the time symptoms occur; however,
a serum specimen should be drawn as early as possible after exposure. Data from
rabbit studies clearly show that SEB in the serum is transient; however, it
accumulates in the urine and can be detected for several hours post exposure.
Therefore, urine samples should be obtained and tested for SEB. Because most
patients will develop a significant antibody response to the toxin, acute and
convalescent serum should be drawn which may be helpful retrospectively in the
Currently, therapy is limited to supportive care. Close attention to oxygenation
and hydration are important, and in severe cases with pulmonary edema, ventilation
with positive end expiratory pressure and diuretics might be necessary. Acetaminophen
for fever, and cough suppressants may make the patient more comfortable. The
value of steroids is unknown. Most patients would be expected to do quite well
after the initial acute phase of their illness, but most would generally be
unfit for duty for one to two weeks.
Although there is currently no human vaccine for immunization against SEB intoxication,
several vaccine candidates are in development. Preliminary animal studies have
been encouraging and a vaccine candidate is nearing transition to advanced development
and safety and immunogenicity testing in man. Experimentally, passive immunotherapy
can reduce mortality, but only when given within 4-8 hours after inhaling SEB.
Updated February 04, 2002 Copyright ©: MMI - MMII Alaska Chris