Signs and symptoms: Exposure causes skin pain, pruritus, redness, vesicles,
necrosis and sloughing of epidermis. Effects on the airway include nose and
throat pain, nasal discharge, itching and sneezing, cough, dyspnea, wheezing,
chest pain and hemoptysis. Toxin also produces effects after ingestion or eye
contact. Severe poisoning results in prostration, weakness, ataxia, collapse,
shock, and death.
Diagnosis: Should be suspected if an aerosol attack occurs in the form of "yellow
rain" with droplets of yellow fluid contaminating clothes and the environment.
Confirmation requires testing of blood, tissue and environmental samples.
Treatment: There is no specific antidote. Superactivated charcoal should be
given orally if the toxin is swallowed.
Prophylaxis: The only defense is to wear a protective mask and clothing during
an attack. No specific immunotherapy
or chemotherapy is available for use in the field.
Isolation and Decontamination: Standard Precautions for healthcare workers.
Outer clothing should be removed and exposed skin should be decontaminated with
soap and water. Eye exposure should be treated with copious saline irrigation.
Once decontamination is complete, isolation is not required. Environmental decontamination
requires the use of a hypochlorite solution under alkaline conditions such as
1% sodium hypochlorite and 0.1M NAOH with 1 hour contact time.
The trichothecene mycotoxins are low molecular weight (250-500 daltons) nonvolatile
compounds produced by filamentous fungi (molds) of the genera Fusarium, Myrotecium,
Trichoderma, Stachybotrys and others. The structures of approximately 150 trichothecene
derivatives have been described in the literature. These substances are relatively
insoluble in water but are highly soluble in ethanol, methanol and propylene
glycol. The trichothecenes are extremely stable to heat and ultraviolet light
inactivation. Heating to 1500o F for 30 minutes is required for inactivation,
while brief exposure to NaOCl destroys toxic activity. The potential for use
as a BW toxin was demonstrated to the Russian military shortly after World War
II when flour contaminated with species of Fusarium was unknowingly baked into
bread that was ingested by civilians. Some developed a protracted lethal illness
called alimentary toxic aleukia (ATA) characterized by initial symptoms of abdominal
pain, diarrhea, vomiting, prostration, and within days fever, chills, myalgias
and bone marrow depression with granulocytopenia and secondary sepsis. Survival
beyond this point allowed the development of painful pharyngeal/laryngeal ulceration
and diffuse bleeding into the skin (petechiae and ecchymoses), melena, bloody
diarrhea, hematuria, hematemesis, epistaxis and vaginal bleeding. Pancytopenia,
and gastrointestinal ulceration and erosion were secondary to the ability of
these toxins to profoundly arrest bone marrow and mucosal protein synthesis
and cell cycle progression through DNA replication.
Mycotoxins allegedly have been used in aerosol form ("yellow rain")
to produce lethal and nonlethal casualties in Laos (1975-81), Kampuchea (1979-81),
and Afghanistan (1979-81). It has been estimated that there were more than 6,300
deaths in Laos, 1,000 in Kampuchea, and 3,042 in Afghanistan. The alleged victims
were usually unarmed civilians or guerrilla forces. These groups were not protected
with masks or chemical protective clothing and had little or no capability of
destroying the attacking enemy aircraft. These attacks were alleged to have
occurred in remote jungle areas which made confirmation of attacks and recovery
of agent extremely difficult. Some investigators have claimed that the "yellow
clouds" were, in fact, bee feces produced by swarms of migrating insects.
Much controversy has centered upon the veracity of eyewitness and victim accounts,
but there is evidence to make these allegations of BW agent use in these areas
T-2 and other mycotoxins may enter the body through the skin and digestive or
respiratory epithelium. They are fast acting potent inhibitors of protein and
nucleic acid synthesis. Their main effects are on rapidly proliferating tissues
such as the bone marrow, skin, mucosal epithelia, and germ cells. In a successful
BW attack with trichothecene toxin (T-2), the toxin(s) can adhere to and penetrate
the skin, be inhaled, or can be ingested. Clothing would be contaminated and
serve as a reservoir for further toxin exposure. Early symptoms beginning within
minutes of exposure include burning skin pain, redness, tenderness, blistering,
and progression to skin necrosis with leathery blackening and sloughing of large
areas of skin in lethal cases. Nasal contact is manifested by nasal itching
and pain, sneezing, epistaxis and rhinorrhea; pulmonary/tracheobronchial toxicity
by dyspnea, wheezing, and cough; and mouth and throat exposure by pain and blood
tinged saliva and sputum. Anorexia, nausea, vomiting and watery or bloody diarrhea
with abdominal crampy pain occurs with gastrointestinal toxicity. Eye pain,
tearing, redness, foreign body sensation and blurred vision may follow entry
of toxin into the eyes. Skin symptoms occur in minutes to hours and eye symptoms
in minutes. Systemic toxicity is manifested by weakness, prostration, dizziness,
ataxia, and loss of coordination. Tachycardia, hypothermia, and hypotension
follow in fatal cases. Death may occur in minutes, hours or days. The most common
symptoms are vomiting, diarrhea, skin involvement with burning pain, redness
and pruritus, rash or blisters, bleeding, and dyspnea.
Rapid onset of symptoms in minutes to hours supports a diagnosis of a chemical
or toxin attack. Mustard agents must be considered but they have an odor, are
visible, and can be rapidly detected by a field available chemical test. Symptoms
from mustard toxicity are also delayed for several hours after which mustard
can cause skin, eye and respiratory symptoms. Staphylococcal enterotoxin B delivered
by an aerosol attack can cause fever, cough, dyspnea and wheezing but does not
involve the skin and eyes. Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may follow swallowing
of inhaled toxin. Ricin inhalation can cause severe respiratory distress, cough,
nausea and arthralgias. Swallowed agent can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and gastrointestinal
bleeding, but it spares the skin, nose and eyes. Specific diagnosis of T-2 mycotoxins
in the form of a rapid diagnostic test is not presently available in the field.
Removal of blood, tissue from fatal cases, and environmental samples for testing
using a gas liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry technique will confirm the
toxic exposure. This system can detect as little as 0.1-1.0 ppb of T-2. This
degree of sensitivity is capable of measuring T-2 levels in the plasma of toxin
Medical Management
Use of a chemical protective mask and clothing prior to and during a mycotoxin
aerosol attack will prevent illness. If a soldier is unprotected during an attack
the outer uniform should be removed within 4 hours and decontaminated by exposure
to 5% hypochlorite for 6-10 hours. The skin should be thoroughly washed with
soap and uncontaminated water if available. The M291 skin decontamination kit
should also be used to remove skin adherent T-2. Superactivated charcoal can
absorb swallowed T-2 and should be administered to victims of an unprotected
aerosol attack. The eyes should be irrigated with normal saline or water to
remove toxin. No specific antidote or therapeutic regimen is currently available.
All therapy is supportive.
Physical protection of the skin and airway are the only proven effective methods
of protection during an attack. Immunological (vaccines) and chemoprotective
pretreatments are being studied in animal models, but are not available for
field use by the warfighter.
Updated February 04, 2002 Copyright ©: MMI - MMII Alaska Chris