Signs and Symptoms: VHFs are febrile illnesses which can be complicated by easy
bleeding, petechiae, hypotension and even shock, flushing of the face and chest,
and edema. Constitutional symptoms such as malaise, myalgias, headache, vomiting,
and diarrhea may occur in any of the hemorrhagic fevers.
Diagnosis: Definitive diagnosis rests on specific virologic techniques. Significant
numbers of military personnel with a hemorrhagic fever syndrome should suggest
the diagnosis of a viral hemorrhagic fever.
Treatment: Intensive supportive care may be required. Antiviral therapy with
ribavirin may be useful in several of these infections. Convalescent plasma
may be effective in Argentine hemorrhagic fever.
Prophylaxis: The only licensed VHF vaccine is yellow fever vaccine. Prophylactic
ribavirin may be effective for Lassa fever, Rift Valley fever, CCHF, and possibly
Isolation and Decontamination: Contact Precautions for healthcare workers. Decontamination
is accomplished with hypochlorite or phenolic disinfectants. Isolation measures
and barrier nursing procedures are indicated.
The viral hemorrhagic fevers are a diverse group of human illnesses that are
due to RNA viruses from several different viral families: the Filoviridae, which
consists of Ebola and Marburg viruses; the Arenaviridae, including Lassa fever,
Argentine and Bolivian hemorrhagic fever viruses; the Bunyaviridae, including
various members from the Hantavirus genus, Congo-Crimean hemorrhagic fever virus
from the Nairovirus genus, and Rift Valley fever from the Phlebovirus genus;
and Flaviviridae, such as Yellow fever virus, Dengue hemorrhagic fever virus,
and others. The viruses may be spread in a variety of ways, and for some there
is a possibility that humans could be infected through a respiratory portal
of entry. Although evidence for weaponization does not exist for many of these
viruses, many are included in this handbook because of their potential for aerosol
dissemination or weaponization, or likelihood for confusion with similar agents
which might be weaponized.
Because these viruses are so diverse and occur in different geographic locations
endemically, their full history is beyond the scope of this handbook. However,
there are some significant events for each of them that may provide insight
into their possible importance as biological threat agents.
Ebola virus disease was first recognized in the western equatorial province
of the Sudan and the nearby region of Zaire in 1976; a second outbreak occurred
in Sudan in 1979, and in 1995 a large outbreak (316 cases) developed in Kikwit,
Zaire from a single index case. Subsequent epidemics have occurred in Gabon
and the Ivory Coast. A related virus was isolated from a group of infected cynomolgus
monkeys imported into the United States from the Philippines in 1989. As of
yet, this Ebola Reston strain has not been determined as a cause of human disease.
The African strains have caused severe disease and death, and it is not known
why this disease only appears infrequently or why the most recent strain appears
to be less pathogenic in humans. Marburg disease has been identified on four
occasions as causing disease in man: three times in Africa, and once in Germany,
where the virus got its name. The first recognized outbreak of Marburg disease
involved 31 infected persons in Germany and Yugoslavia who were exposed to African
green monkeys, with 7 fatalities. It is unclear how easily these filoviruses
can be spread from human to human, but spread definitely occurs by direct contact
with infected blood, secretions, organs, or semen. The reservoir in nature for
these viruses is unknown.
Argentine hemorrhagic fever (AHF), caused by the Junin virus, was first described
in 1955 in corn harvesters. It is spread in nature through contact with infected
rodent excreta. From 300 to 600 cases per year occur in areas of the Argentine
pampas. Bolivian hemorrhagic fever, caused by the related Machupo virus, was
described subsequent to AHF in northeastern Bolivia. These viruses have caused
laboratory infections, and airborne transmission via dusts contaminated with
rodent excreta may occur. A related African arenavirus, Lassa virus, causes
disease which is widely distributed over West Africa.
Congo-Crimean hemorrhagic fever (CCHF) is a tick-borne disease which occurs
in the Crimea and in parts of Africa, Europe and Asia. It can also be spread
by contact with infected animals or nosocomially in healthcare settings. Rift
Valley fever occurs only in Africa, and can occasionally cause explosive disease
outbreaks. Hantavirus disease was described prior to WW II in Manchuria along
the Amur River, later among United Nations troops during the Korean conflict,
and since that time in Korea, Japan, and China. Hemorrhagic disease due to hantaviruses
also occurs in Europe (usually in a milder form) and a non-hemorrhagic Hantavirus
Pulmonary Syndrome occurs in the Americas and probably worldwide.
Yellow fever and dengue fever are two mosquito-borne fevers which can cause
a hemorrhagic fever syndrome and have great historic importance in the history
of military campaigns and military medicine.
All of these viruses (except for dengue virus) are infectious by aerosol or
fomites. Since most patients are viremic, there is a potential for nosocomial
transmission to patients, medical staff, and particularly laboratory personnel.
Hantavirus infections are an exception, as at the time of presentation, viremia
is waning and circulating antibody is present.
The age and sex distributions of each disease as it occurs endemically generally
reflect the opportunities for zoonotic exposure to the disease reservoir. The
way in which the filoviruses are transmitted to humans is not well understood.
The clinical syndrome which these viruses may cause in humans is generally referred
to as viral hemorrhagic fever or VHF. Not all infected patients develop VHF;
there is both divergence and uncertainty about which host factors and virus
strain differences might be responsible for clinically manifesting hemorrhagic
disease. For instance, an immunopathogenic mechanism has been identified for
dengue hemorrhagic fever, which is seen only in patients previously infected
with a heterologous dengue serotype. The target organ in the VHF syndrome is
the vascular bed; correspondingly, the dominant clinical features are usually
a consequence of microvascular damage and changes in vascular permeability.
Common presenting complaints are fever, myalgia, and prostration; clinical examination
may reveal only conjunctival injection, mild hypotension, flushing, and petechial
hemorrhages. Full-blown VHF typically evolves to shock and generalized mucous
membrane hemorrhage and often is accompanied by evidence of neurologic, hematopoietic,
or pulmonary involvement. Apart from epidemiologic and intelligence information,
some distinctive clinical features may suggest a specific etiologic agent: high
AST elevation correlates with severity of illness from Lassa fever, and jaundice
is a poor prognostic sign in yellow fever. Hepatic involvement is common among
the VHFs, but a clinical picture dominated by jaundice and other evidence of
hepatic failure is only seen in some cases of Rift Valley fever, Congo-Crimean
HF, Marburg HF, Ebola HF, and yellow fever. Neurologic symptoms and thrombocytopenia
are common in Argentine and Bolivian hemorrhagic fever. Kyanasur Forest disease
and Omsk hemorrhagic fever are notable for a concomitant pulmonary involvement,
and a biphasic illness with subsequent CNS manifestations. With regard to the
Bunyaviruses, copious hemorrhage and nosocomial transmission are typical for
Congo-Crimean HF, and retinitis is commonly seen in Rift Valley fever. Renal
insufficiency is proportional to cardiovascular compromise, except in hemorrhagic
fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) due to hantaviruses, where renal azotemia is
an integral part of the disease process. Mortality may be substantial, ranging
from 5 to 20 percent or higher in recognized cases. Ebola outbreaks in Africa
have been notable for the extreme prostration and toxicity of the victims, as
well as frighteningly high case fatality rates ranging from 50 to 90 percent.
This particularly virulent virus could conceivably be chosen by an adversary
as a biological warfare agent due to its probable aerosol infectivity and high
A detailed travel history and a high index of suspicion are essential in making
the diagnosis of VHF. Patients with arenaviral or hantaviral infections often
recall having seen rodents during the presumed incubation period, but, since
the viruses are spread to man by aerosolized excreta or environmental contamination,
actual contact with the reservoir is not necessary. Large mosquito populations
are common during Rift Valley fever or flaviviral transmission, but a history
of mosquito bite is sufficiently common to be of little assistance, whereas
tick bites or nosocomial exposure are of some significance in suspecting Congo-Crimean
hemorrhagic fever. Large numbers of military personnel presenting with VHF manifestations
in the same geographic area over a short time period should lead treating medical
care providers to suspect either a natural outbreak if in an endemic setting,
or possibly a biowarfare attack, particularly if this type of disease does not
occur naturally in the local area where troops are deployed.
VHF should be suspected in any patient presenting with a severe febrile illness
and evidence of vascular involvement (subnormal blood pressure, postural hypotension,
petechiae, easy bleeding, flushing of face and chest, non-dependent edema) who
has traveled to an area where the virus is known to occur, or where intelligence
information suggests a biological warfare threat. Signs and symptoms suggesting
additional organ system involvement are common (headache, photophobia, pharyngitis,
cough, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, abdominal pain, hyperesthesia,
dizziness, confusion, tremor), but usually do not dominate the picture with
the exceptions listed above under "Clinical Features."
For much of the world, the major differential diagnosis is malaria. It must
be borne in mind that parasitemia in patients partially immune to malaria does
not prove that symptoms are due to malaria. Typhoid fever, rickettsial, and
leptospiral diseases are major confounding infections, with nontyphoidal salmonellosis,
shigellosis, relapsing fever, fulminant hepatitis, and meningococcemia being
some of the other important diagnoses to exclude. Any condition leading to disseminated
intravascular coagulation could present in a confusing fashion, as well as diseases
such as acute leukemia, lupus erythematosus, idiopathic or thrombotic thrombocytopenic
purpura, and hemolytic uremic syndrome.
Because of recent recognition of their worldwide occurrence, additional consideration
should be given to infection with hantavirus. Classic HFRS (also referred to
as Korean hemorrhagic fever or epidemic hemorrhagic fever) has a severe course
which progresses sequentially from fever through hemorrhage, shock, renal failure,
and polyuria. This clinical form of HFRS is widely distributed in China, the
Korean peninsula, and the Far Eastern USSR. Severe disease also is found in
some Balkan states, including Bosnia/Serbia and Greece. However, the Scandinavian
and most European virus strains carried by bank voles usually produce a milder
disease (referred to as nephropathia epidemica) with prominent fever, myalgia,
abdominal pain, and oliguria, but without shock or severe hemorrhagic manifestations.
Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome, recently recognized in the Americas and probably
worldwide, lacks hemorrhagic manifestations, but nevertheless carries a very
high mortality due to its rapidly progressive and severe pulmonary capillary
leak which presents as ARDS.
The clinical laboratory can be very helpful. Thrombocytopenia (exception: Lassa)
and leukopenia (exception: Lassa, Hantaan, and some severe CCHF cases) are the
rule. Proteinuria and/or hematuria are common, and their presence is the rule
for Argentine HF, Bolivian HF, and HFRS. A positive tourniquet test has been
particularly useful in Dengue hemorrhagic fever, but should be sought in other
hemorrhagic fevers as well.
Definitive diagnosis in an individual case rests on specific virologic diagnosis.
Most patients have readily detectable viremia at presentation (exception: hantaviral
infections). Rapid enzyme immunoassays can detect viral antigens in acute sera
from patients with Lassa, Argentine HF, Rift Valley fever, Congo-Crimean HF,
yellow fever and specific IgM antibodies in early convalescence. Lassa- and
Hantaan-specific IgM often are detectable during the acute illness. Diagnosis
by virus cultivation and identification will require 3 to 10 days or longer.
With the exception of dengue, specialized microbiologic containment is required
for safe handling of these viruses. Appropriate precautions should be observed
in collection, handling, shipping, and processing of diagnostic samples. Both
the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, Atlanta, Georgia) and the
U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID, Frederick,
Maryland) have diagnostic laboratories functioning at the highest (BL-4 or P-4)
containment level.
Contact Precautions required for healthcare workers. General principles of supportive
care apply to hemodynamic, hematologic, pulmonary, and neurologic manifestations
of VHF, regardless of the specific etiologic agent concerned. Patients generally
are either moribund or recovering by the second week of illness, but only intensive
care will save the most severely ill patients. Health care providers employing
vigorous fluid resuscitation of patients with hemodynamic compromise must be
mindful of the propensity of some VHF cases (e.g., hantaviral) for pulmonary
capillary leak. Pressor agents are frequently required. Invasive hemodynamic
monitoring should be used where normal indications warrant, but extra caution
should be exercised with regard to sharp objects and their potential for nosocomial
transmission of a viral agent (see below). Intramuscular injections, aspirin
and other anticoagulant drugs should be avoided. Restlessness, confusion, myalgia,
and hyperesthesia should be managed by conservative measures and judicious use
of sedative, pain-relieving, and amnestic medications. Secondary infections
may occur as with any patient undergoing intensive care and invasive procedures,
such as intravenous lines and indwelling catheters.
The management of clinical bleeding should follow the same principles as for
any patient with a systemic coagulopathy, assisted by coagulation studies. DIC
has been implicated specifically in Rift Valley fever and Marburg/Ebola infections,
but in most VHF the etiology of the coagulopathy is multifactorial (e.g., hepatic
damage, consumptive coagulopathy, and primary marrow injury to megakaryocytes).
Dengue HF is a notable case where antibody-mediated enhancement of dengue virus
infection of monocytes and cytotoxic T-cell responses to these presented viral
antigens precipitates vascular injury and permeability, complement activation,
and a systemic coagulopathy.
The investigational antiviral drug ribavirin is available via compassionate
use protocols for therapy of Lassa fever, hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome
(HFRS), Congo-Crimean hemorrhagic fever, and Rift Valley fever. Separate Phase
III efficacy trials have indicated that parenteral ribavirin reduces morbidity
in both HFRS and Lassa fever, in addition to lowering mortality in the latter
disease. In the human field trial with HFRS, treatment was effective if begun
within the first 4 days of fever, and was continued for 7 days total. For Lassa
fever patients, a compassionate use protocol utilizing intravenous ribavirin
as a treatment is sponsored by the CDC. Dosages used were slightly different,
and continued for 10 days total; treatment is most effective if begun within
7 days of onset. The only significant side effect of ribavirin is a modest anemia
related to reversible block in erythropoiesis and mild hemolysis. Although ribavirin
has demonstrated teratogenicity in animal studies, its use in a pregnant woman
with grave illness from one of these VHFs must be weighed against potential
benefit. Safety in infants and children has not been established. A similar
dose of ribavirin begun within 4 days of disease may be effective in HFRS patients.
It is important to note that ribavirin has poor in vitro and in vivo activity
against either the filoviruses (Marburg and Ebola) or the flaviviruses (Dengue,
Yellow Fever, Omsk HF and Kyanasur Forest Disease).
Argentine HF responds to therapy with 2 or more units of convalescent plasma
containing adequate amounts of neutralizing antibody and given within 8 days
of onset.
The only established and licensed virus-specific vaccine available for any of
the hemorrhagic fever viruses is Yellow Fever vaccine, which is mandatory for
travelers to endemic areas of Africa and South America. Argentine hemorrhagic
fever (AHF) vaccine is a live, attenuated, investigational vaccine developed
at USAMRIID, which has proved efficacious both in an animal model and in a field
trial in South America, and seems to protect against Bolivian hemorrhagic fever
(BHF) as well. Both inactivated and live-attenuated Rift Valley fever vaccines
are currently under investigation. There is no currently available vaccine for
either the filoviruses or for dengue.
Persons with percutaneous or mucocutaneous exposure to blood, body fluids, secretions,
or excretions from a patient with suspected VHF should immediately wash the
affected skin surface(s) with soap and water. Mucous membranes should be irrigated
with copious amounts of water or saline.
Close personal contacts or medical personnel extensively exposed to blood or
secretions from VHF patients (particularly Lassa fever, CCHF, and filoviral
diseases) should be monitored for fever and other disease manifestations during
a time equal to the established incubation period. A DoD compassionate use protocol
exists for prophylactic administration of oral ribavirin to high risk contacts
(direct exposure to body fluids) of Congo-Crimean HF patients. A similar post-exposure
prophylaxis strategy has been suggested for high contacts of Lassa fever patients.
Most patients will tolerate this drug dose well, but patients should be under
surveillance for breakthrough disease (especially after drug cessation) or adverse
drug effects (principally anemia).
It should be noted that strict adherence to Contact Precautions has halted secondary
transmission in the vast majority of circumstances. With the exception of dengue
(virus present, but no secondary infection hazard) and hantaviruses (infectious
virus not present in blood or excreta at the time of diagnosis), VHF patients
generally have significant quantities of virus in blood and often other secretions.
Special caution must be exercised in handling sharps, needles, and other potential
sources of parenteral exposure. Clinical laboratory personnel are also at risk
for exposure, and should employ a biosafety cabinet (if available) and barrier
precautions when handling specimens.
Caution should be exercised in evaluating and treating the patient with a suspected VHF. Over-reaction on the part of health care providers is inappropriate and detrimental to both patient and staff, but it is prudent to provide as rigorous isolation measures as feasible. These should include: isolation of the patient; stringent adherence to barrier nursing practices; mask, gown, glove, and needle precautions; decontamination of the outside of double-bagged specimens proceeding from the patients room; autoclaving or liberal application of hypochlorite or phenolic disinfectants to excreta and other contaminated materials; and biosafety cabinet containment of laboratory specimens undergoing analysis.
Experience has shown that Marburg, Ebola, Lassa, and Congo-Crimean HF viruses
may be particularly prone to aerosol nosocomial spread. Well-documented secondary
infections among contacts and medical personnel who were not parenterally exposed
have occurred. Sometimes this occurred when the acute hemorrhagic disease (as
seen in CCHF) mimicked a surgical emergency such as a bleeding gastric ulcer,
with subsequent exposure and secondary spread among emergency and operating
room personnel. Therefore, when a significant suspicion of one of these diseases
exists, additional management measures should include: an anteroom adjoining
the patients isolation room to facilitate putting on and removing protective
barriers and storage of supplies; use of a negative pressure room for patient
care if available; minimal handling of the body should the patient die, with
sealing of the corpse in leak-proof material for prompt burial or cremation.
No carrier state has ever been observed with any VHF, but excretion of virus
in urine (e.g., hantaviruses) or semen (e.g., Argentine hemorrhagic fever) may
occur in convalescence.
Updated February 04, 2002 Copyright ©: MMI - MMII Alaska Chris