Overtime Equability Chart


Find the column that applies to the regular and the T-6. Distribute the O.T. for that route in the sequence listed.

Regular on NO O.T., T-6 on no O.T. or ODL

Regular on NO O.T., T-6 on own Assignment

Regular on own Assignment, T-6 on NO O.T. or ODL

1. Regular on route works 8.0 hours.
2. Any additional time on this route is given to PTFs, ODL or casuals until they all reach 10.0 hours or it's a regular's 5th day of overtime. YOU HAVE NOW MAXED TO 10 HRS.
3. For any extra OT on this route the regular works it up to 10.0 hours, unless this is the
5th day of OT.
4. Any extra OT on this route is given to PTF's, ODL, or casuals until they all reach 12.0 hours.
5. Any extra OT on this route is given to the Force list by Juniority.

1. Regular on route works 8.0 hours.
2. Any additional time to PTFs, regulars or casuals on straight time.
3. Any OT on this route given to regulars is given to the T-6 until he works 10.0 hours that day unless it is the
5th day of OT.
4. Any extra OT on this route is given to PTFs, ODL or casuals until they all reach 10.0 hours or it's a regular's 5th day of OT. YOU HAVE NOW MAXED TO 10 HRS.
5. For any extra OT on this route the regular works it up to 10.0 hours unless it is the 5th day of OT.
6. Any extra OT on this route is given to PTF's, ODL or casuals until they all reach 12.0 hours. YOU HAVE NOW MAXED TO 12 HRS.
7. Any extra OT on this route is given to the Force List
by Juniority.

1. Regular on route works 8.0 hours.
2. Any additional on this route is given to PTFs, regulars or casuals on straight time.
3. Any OT on this route given to regulars is given to the T-6 until he works 10.0 hours that day, unless it is the 5th day of OT.
4. Any extra OT on this route is given to PTFs, ODL or casuals until they all reach 10.0 hours or it's a regular's 5th day of OT. YOU HAVE NOW MAXED TO 10 HRS.
5. Any extra OT on this route is given to PTFs, ODL, or casuals until they all reach 12.0 hours. YOU HAVE NOW MAXED TO 12 HRS.
6. Any extra OT on this route is given to the force list by Juniority.

Above Reprinted From Branch 959 Albany Oregon Newsletter



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